
  • Dansa

Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Antony Gormley, Szymon Brzóska i els monjos del temple de Shaolin

The sutras are teachings pronounced by the Buddha. By extension, the word is also used to describe the aphorisms and rules that govern our lives. Acclaimed choreographer Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui takes up the challenge of revealing the spiritual nature behind the millenary Kung-Fu tradition. Dwelling for a time amongst the monks at the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng enabled Cherkaoui to delve into the context that surrounds this martial art and to discover the philosophy behind it. The sculptor Antony Gormley designed the constructed environment in which the monks perform, whilst Szymon Brzóska composed various musical pieces inspired by the ambience at the temple. This is a journey, not into the past, but into the spirit, in which the distances between East and West are no.

Artistic card

Música: Szymon Brzoska; Direcció i coreografia: Siri Larbi Cherkaoui; Creació visual i disseny: Antony Gormley; Ballarins: Shiyan Bo, Shiyan Chuang, Shiyan Ci, Shiyan Da, Shiyan Dong, Shiyan Hao, Shiyan Jiao, Shiyan Jie, Shiyan Li, Shiyan Mo, Shiyan Nan, Shiyan Peng, Shiyan Tao, Shiyan Ting, Shiyan Yong, Shiyan Yuan, Shiyan Xing, Shiyan Zhu; Piano: Szymon Brzóska; Violí: Alies Sluiter, Olga Wojciechowska; Violoncel: Laura Anstee; Percussió: Coordt Linke; Fotografia: Hugo Glendinning; Direcció de producció: Alastair Wilson, PUSH4; Assessorament de dramatúrgia i il·luminació: Adam Caree; Direcció d'escena: Gemma Tonge; Direcció tècnica: Simon Young; Elèctric: Andy Downie; Enginyer de so: Jon Beattie; Vestuari: Leila Ransley;


Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui


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    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya