Sporá Prógrama: Nacera Belaza

  • Activitats paral·leles

La coreògrafa i intèrpret francoalgeriana protagonitza al centre de creació de dansa de Les Corts un laboratori en el qual compartirà els seus mètodes amb artistes de la ciutat.


Nacera Belaza is always questioning her creations “gestures in dance” and nurturing her work with deep contributions from her two cultures. “Searching for movement within oneself: an uncontrolled, unrestricted movement: a free and open movement. Having a body that is neutral and open to hearing the space surrounding it. Feeling the space, adopting it and intervening” are the goals that she sets herself in her performances.

This laboratory aims to question the way in which a professional dancer perceives. The challenge is to continue the relationship with the other and provide another perspective on stage.

The laboratory given by Nacera Belaza in Barcelona is part of the La Caldera Les Corts’ Sporá Prógrama project, in which the centre invites well-known figures on the choreographic scene to share their work methods with other professional performers.

In addition to this laboratory, Nacera Belaza will also be presenting the choreographies La Nuit + Sur le fil at La Caldera,

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Artistic card

Interpretació: Nacera Belaza


  • Schedule
    Dates: From 12 to 16 July Time: From 4 pm to 8 pm
  • Space

    La Caldera Les Corts

    Carrer del Torrent d'en Vidalet, 43