Ritme en el temps

  • Teatre

Antic Teatre and veïnes del casc antic de Barcelona / Antic Teatre and residents of Barcelona's old town

Innovative, daring and rich in creativity. That is the only way to describe the shows that the Antic Teatre, a centre devoted to research and development of new stage and multidisciplinary languages, will present at the Grec Festival.

Aware of the need and value of putting down roots in the community, since 2011 the Antic Teatre has been involved in a stage project with residents from the Sant Pere neighbourhood in Barcelona’s old town. This project uses dance and movement as tools to revive the memories of these people about the neighbourhood and the old town as a whole. The show, featuring local residents, will be performed during the Grec Festival, accompanied by a documentary tracing the history and development of this theatre and social project.

Artistic card

Creació: Veïnes del barri de Sant Pere: Aurora Roig, Núria Gràcia, Pilar Bajo, Alsi Fernández, Rosario Guerra, Teresa Peiró, Pepita Bustamante, Maria Carme Rodríguez, Carmen Peaguda, Pilar Bayod. ; Direcció: Isabel Ollé, Quim Cabanillas; Producció: Antic Teatre; Direcció documental: OTOXO Productions;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Antic Teatre

    Carrer Verdaguer i Callís, 12, 08003 Barcelona

  • Duration
    120 min
  • Price