
  • Teatre

Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca

A "mechatronic performance" immersing you in another form of narrative. One in which your participation, we warn you, is absolutely indispensable.

You know about the “fourth wall” that separates the audience from the artists? Well, at this show, no matter how hard you look, you will not find it, just as you will be unable to find the stalls. In fact, you yourself will form part of this “mechatronic performance”, which will have you in constant movement. Sounds, projections, autonomous devices, animations, sensors...  “Pseudo” is an experiment in immersion that involves the audience in the narrative. The piece is based on Cotrone, which Marcel·lí Antúnez  Roca presented in 2010 and in which the playwright invented a non-existent fourth act in  Pirandello’s unfinished play The Mountain Giants. The various micro-narratives that formed the earlier work are now fleshed out and linked to a new narrative. Marcel·lí invites spectators to take part in a performance that employs interfaces, cameras and mechanisms that amplify reality. Leave your spectator’s hat in the lobby because, in here, you too are the work.

Artistic card

Dramatúrgia, direcció i interpretació: Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca; Música: Andrea Valle; Vestuari: Paloma Bome; Disseny de so: Paolo Armao, ASA Lab; Concepció Sonora : Paolo Armao, ASA Lab; Disseny d'i·luminació: Oriol Ibañez; Direcció tècnica: Oriol Ibañez; Programació: Sam Roig, Sergi Lario, Matteo Sisti Sette, Javier Chavarri, Jesús de la Calle; Animació: Liliana Fortuny; Cap gràfics: Wahab Zeghlache; Electrònica:, Hector López
; Dibuixos: Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca; Mecanització del cap de PSEUDO Marcel·li: Christian Konn; Motllos: Tasarte Oropesa, Jordi Gomez, Juan Carlos Valdivieso; Gràfica: Pau Anglada, Jose Ramón Abeijón, Marc Torices, Juliana Acevedo, Dídac Campano, Adelaida Antúnez Egurbide, Robert Cifré, Joan Clar, Tiara Vargas, Aleix Gallet; Fotografia: Carles Rodríguez; Assistència a la producció: Idoia Villanueva, Taisma Caparros


Marcel·lí Antúnez Roca


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    e 18