Present vulnerable

  • Dansa

Companyia RARAVIS

This production is inspired by the texts and poems in the poet and translator Feliu Formosa’s woks Cançoner and El present vulnerable (Diaris 1973-1978). This ‘Vulnerable Present’ is an austere yet dazzling show that explores the feelings generated by the loss of a loved one, in this case the poet’s wife. Through poetry and dance, Andrés Corchero and Rosa Muñoz tell a story, full of contradiction, about that mysterious bridge that exists between life and death, one which is always full of hope.

Artistic card

Coreografia i direcció: Andrés Corchero, Rosa Muñoz; Creació i interpretació: Diego Anido, Constanza Brncic, Andrés Corchero, Jordi Mas, Rosa Muñoz, Xavier Ripoll; Text i poemes: Feliu Formosa; Disseny d'escenografia: Sebas Brosa; Disseny d'il·luminació: Llorenç Parra, Andrés Corchero; Disseny de vestuari: Caterina Pérez; Espai sonor: Joan Saura; Ajudant de direcció: Bea González; Fotografia: Pep Daudé;


  • Start date
  • End date
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  • Space

    Teatre Nacional de Catalunya (TNC)

    Plaça les Arts, 08013 Barcelona, Barcelona, Espanya