
  • Circ

Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia

The concepts of change and transformation inspire a show in which a travelling company bids a last farewell to one of its members by performing contemporary acts with the aid of completely natural props.

A group of artistes in a travelling circus has suffered a loss: a member of the troupe has died. To come to terms with this absence and to express their grief collectively, the members of the company will pay a solemn tribute to their deceased companion and his transformation into the ashes that symbolise his metamorphosis. Now they need to find a place in which to deposit these ashes so that he can continue along his course and become one with nature. This ritual homage will involve all kinds of inventions that suggest an ongoing dialogue with the idea of change, transformation. Completely natural materials are turned into harmoniously geometric pieces and used to construct a carousel from which to see the sunset. The time has come to scatter the ashes into the air, into fertile soil, and to release them into an eternal embrace with Mother Earth. The artistes use the language of the circus to pay tribute to death in what is also a celebration of the life cycle.

Artistic card

Concepció i direcció: Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia ; Dramatúrgia: Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia ; Intèrprets: Itzíar Castro, Irene Estradé Niubó, Miguel ngel Fernández (Tinga Tinga), Miguel García, Tanja Haupt, Asvin López Echarri, Joel Martí Melero; Direcció musical: Nacho López; Ajudant de direcció: Joan Arqué ; Assessorament de coreografia: Mònica Alsina, Fàtima Campos; Assessorament artístic: Piero Steiner; Disseny d'escenografia: Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia; Construcció de l'escenografia: Leandro Mendoza Artagaveitia; Vestuari: Mariel Soria; Disseny d'il·luminació:; Producció: Laia Alzueta, Gebra Serra;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9.30 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    80 min