No passa cada dia que algú ens necessiti [It's not every day that someone needs us] (broadcast on Catalunya Ràdio)

  • Teatre
  • Grec en obert

Carme Portaceli

Some big names from the Catalan theatre and music scene join in a celebration of life based on the written word. You can listen in on Catalunya Ràdio, which will be filmed and broadcasted shortly.

Actors, singers, texts, choreographies, audiovisuals; they are all part of a show directed by Carme Portaceli, which celebrates the fact that we are alive and that we can meet once again in the Teatre Grec. And although, along with the actors and musicians, there will be a lot of spectators physically in the theatre, that is not the only way of enjoying the show, because Catalunya Ràdio is broadcasting it so that it can reach as many people as possible. Open your ears, because big names from the stage will be reciting extracts from authors of various eras that relate to the situation we are experiencing, while artists from the music scene will play melodies that range from classics to the latest hits.


  • Dates
  • Space

    Catalunya Ràdio