No em va fer Joan Brossa [I was not made by Joan Brossa]

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Joan Brossa's writing inspires the first expanded theatre piece in a trilogy that delves into three great works of Catalan literature to address universal themes. A play without actors or a concert without musicians .

Plastic cups, spoons, typewriters, measuring tapes, corks, combs and other everyday objects star in a production in which dramaturgy exceeds the conventional limits and space of a performance. This is a mechanical symphony: a large installation with no narrative, or an object theatre piece in which there are no actors or puppeteers; just a collection of objects that move on their own to create changing landscapes. Perhaps it is the misty forests of Wagner's Parsifal, the mountains of the Segre front during the civil war or the telluric volcanoes of Mesopotamian mythology. You will have to decide for yourself as you contemplate this accumulation of objects, which together form a kind of traversable poem in which the voice has been dispossessed of the body. The starting point for the production is Joan Brossa’s least well-known and earliest prose and the sonority of his stage poetry from the 1940s, as recited by people with functional diversity.

No em va fer Joan Brossa premièred in 2016. Since then, more than 20,000 people have seen the work in small groups of twenty-five spectators. It returns to the stage as part of the trilogy dedicated to Catalan authors, together with Dimonis (Grec 2020), about Jacint Verdaguer, and Flors i viatges (Grec 2023), which makes its debut at this edition of the Barcelona Festival and which focuses on the literary world of Mercè Rodoreda. The three productions are the creations of Laia Torrents, who has a degree in Industrial Engineering and is studying Music, and Roger Aixut, who has a degree in Architecture from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Together they have created a collective that explores the boundaries of visual, performing and theatre arts.

A production from the Teatre Nacional de Catalunya and the Temporada Alta festival (2016).

With support from the Institució de les lletres catalanes, the Fundació Brossa and the Fundació Lluís Coromina.

With support from Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Performances in English: 7 July 11 am and 12 noon
Performances in Spanish: 8 July 11 am and 12 noon

More information:

Artistic card

Concept, creation, playwriting, direction, sound design, composition and staging: cabosanroque (Laia Torrents Carulla, Roger Aixut Sampietro). Voices recorded by: COIET de Banyoles (Specialised care service for adults with disabilities in the Pla de l'Estany region): Maria Àngels Verge Mata, Pau Fernández Pujol, Eduard Martí Vergé, Alex Alba, Jonathan Perasa, Carmelita Puigdemont, Jordi Saubí Gironès. Photography: José Hevia.


  • Schedule
    5-12 July, at 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8, pm. Satirday and Sunday: 11 am , 12 noon, 5 pm, 6 pm, 7 pm, 8 pm