
  • Música

Una pel·lícula de Godfrey Reggio amb música de Philip Glass

Philip Glass, a key figure on the contemporary music scene, makes his festival debut with one of his most interesting works: his soundtrack for the film Naqoyqatsi, directed by Godfrey Reggio in 2002. In the film, which eschews words, images and music are combined to create a vision of the 21st century, a speeded-up, global world in which technology is ever-present. Glass composes a hypnotic score for this sequence of digitally-processed images of everyday life. For one night only, BTM provides the venue for a showing of Reggio’s poetic, futuristic film, accompanied by a live performance of Glass’s soundtrack.

Artistic card

Direcció musical: Michael Riesman; Violoncel solista: Maya Beiser; Direcció: Godfrey Reggio, Jon Kane; Música: Philip Glass; Disseny visual: Jon Kane; Producció executiva: Steven Soderbergh; Interpretació musical: Philip Glass; Direcció musical: Michael Riesman; Orquestra: Philip Glass, Lisa Bielawa, Philip Bush, Frank Cassara, Dan Dryden, Stephen Erb, Jon Gibson, Alexandra Montano, Richard Peck, Michael Riesman, Mick Rossi, Andrew Sterman, Peter Stewart; Disseny de so: Kurt Munkasci; Producció de vídeo: Joe Beirne, Godfrey Reggio, Lawrence Taub; Coproducció: Mel Lawarence; Producció: Linda Brumbach; Mànager: Pomegranate Arts;
