My baby is a queen

  • Dansa

Companyia La Petita Malumaluga / Albert Vilà and Eva Vilamitjana

A show with babies and their families in mind that speaks of difference and the way we view it.

Figures that dance. Actions reflected in the mirror. Ethereal, invisible musicians who observe and accompany. Moving mirrors capture the gaze of observers. What they are looking at, how, and why. The families, the performers, the babies. How do they look? Where do they look? Why do they look? Origins, disability, gender, thoughts. A look at difference and those who view it, and how.

By the creators of Bitels per a nadons (Beatles tribute concert), 30 elefants sota un paraigua, Núvols amb nadons and La lluna en un pot. This is a high-energy show in which the audience is the star, radically interactive, intense, and with four dancers and three musicians on stage.

La Petita Malumaluga is a company of dancers and musicians specializing in stage shows for babies, very young children and their families. They are committed to respectful creative projects, provocatively non-infantilized idioms and artistically contemporary shows.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Eva Vilamitjana i Albert Vilà; Dramatúrgia: Albert Vilà; Interpretació: Miquel Fiol, Maria Hernando, Eva Vilamitjana, Raquel Gualtero i Guido Lucas (dansa) ; Composició musical: Jordi Bello; Arranjaments musicals: Jordi Bello; Direcció musical: Albert Vilà; Interpretació musical: Asier Suberbiola (violí), Nil Villà (saxo), Nico Sánchez (guitarra); Escenografia: Paula Bosch; Coreografia: Eva Vilamitjana; Tecnologia interactiva: Ivan Rubio; Vestuari: La Petita Malumaluga; Disseny de la il·luminació: Carles Rigual; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Jordi Bello, Albert Vlià; Disseny del vídeo: Albert Vilà; Producció: Cristina Roca ; Comunicació: Pol Gil Marimón;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    5 p.m. and 6.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    40 min
  • Price
    12 €