Mayte Martín

  • Música

Tempo Rubato

One of the most elegant voices on the Catalan flamenco returns to showcase her talent as a singer-songwriter in an emotionally-charged concert in which she is accompanied by a string quartet.

Mayte Martín is, first and foremost, a cantaora, and flamenco is her natural territory. However, this is not the first time that she has shown that her musical talent knows no boundaries and that she is well equipped to make forays into the most varied styles. Accompanied by the late-lamented Tete Montoliu, she engaged with the bolero, and on occasion she has also put her great sensitivity as a singer-songwriter to create songs that always have a flamenco air about them. That is exactly what she does in this show, treating her many fans to a repertoire of her own compositions to showcase her talent as a songwriter. This is a project that matured slowly, over half a lifetime, featuring string arrangements by Joan Albert Amargós, who frequently lends his talent to enrich Mayte’s music. The result is Tempo Rubato, a collection of romantic ballads, songs of great beauty in which feeling and emotion are essential ingredients. Classical sounds and flamenco airs fuse in Mayte Martín’s voice to create a unique, personal sound that finds its ideal accompaniment in the strings of the Quartet Qvixote.

Production: Mayte Martín.

Artistic card

Interpretació musical: Mayte Martín (veu i guitarra)Pau Figueres (guitarra)Ximo Clemente (contrabaix)Arnau Figueres (percussió); Quartet Qvixote: Dani Cubero (violí)María Sanz (violí)Bernat Bufarull (viola)Amat Santacana (cello)Ximo Clemente (contrabaix)Arnau Figueres (percussió); Arranjaments: Joan Albert Amargós; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Miguel Torroja; Producció: Isabel Camps;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price