
  • Teatre

Manel Dueso

Mata'm ("Kill Me") begins with a shot, a scream and a murder that smacks of suicide. Infused with humour and laced with Green Chartreuse, enthralling the audience from the very first, this play invites us to meditate on our hopes and expectations.

A man who is tired of life, a jailbird who has just got out of prison but would like to go back there, a former prostitute who has been drained of all desire, an idealistic teenager who thinks she is a good dancer and wants to be American. Although they are in different places, all these characters will share a common story together. Age and experience forge very different trajectories. This work is a black comedy, a pure drama, a poetic tragedy, a philosophical vaudeville show. Our dreams and wishes, what we really want, whether to dance before a king, to be loved or simply to die, are, in fact, the great protagonists of this moving and gripping theatrical work by Manel Dueso. An actor, director and playwright, Dueso is the author of such plays as Sara i Simon, Estriptis, Matem els homes and Fortuna accidental, amongst others. 

Artistic card

Autoria: Manel Dueso; Direcció i dramatúrgia: Manel Dueso; Intèrprets: Àurea Márquez, Carlota Olcina, Francesc Orella, Boris Ruiz; Ajudant de direcció i regidor: Daniela Feixas; Disseny de so i composició musical: Bàrbara Granados; Escenografia: Sebastià Brosa ; Disseny d'il·luminació: David Bofarull (a.a.i.); Vestuari: Míriam Compte; Caracterització: Núria Llunell; Producció executiva: Bitò produccions; Ajudant de producció: Nati Sarriá;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Thuesday-Saturday, 8.30 pm; Sunday 20, 6.30 pm
  • Space

    La Villarroel

    Carrer de Villarroel, 87, 08011 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price