The Mahabharata

  • Cinema
  • Tops del Grec 2023

Peter Brook Series

Coinciding with the presentation of the show Tempest project, directed by Peter Brook, at the 2021 Grec Festival de Barcelona, the Filmoteca is devoting a series to this director’s film projects.

The Pandavas and the Kauravas are two rival castes divided by age-old hatred and jealousy. The Kauravas fear that one of the Pandavas will take the King of Hastinapura’s place on his death. When the god Krishna predicts that a Pandava will indeed reign, both sides start getting ready to go to war. An abridged film version of the play based on sacred Indian texts that turned Peter Brook into a film legend and that was screened at the Mercat de les Flors in 1985.

Belgium, 1989


Artistic card

Dir: Peter Brook, based on a screenplay adapted by Jean-Claude Carrière, Peter Brook and Marie Hélène Estienne. With: Robert Langdon Lloyd, Antonin Stahly-Vishwanadan, Bruce Myers, Vittorio Mezzogiorno, Andrzej Seweryn and Georges Corraface, among others.
