For the first time in Barcelona, a Catalan company takes on – and with gusto – the great Valle-Inclán. La Perla 29 and Oriol Broggi return to the Grec, accompanied this time by Max Estrella, the best-known character from esperpento grotesque theatre. We follow Max, a non-conformist writer, artist and – perhaps – clown, on his journey around Madrid, taking in cafés, taverns and prisons. However, at the heart of the play is a bitter critique of early-20th century Spanish literary life and society. These bohemian lights focus mercilessly on the decadence of a country and its people as Valle-Inclán projects his acid gaze through the eyes of a downtrodden poet who, in his blindness, is the only one capable of seeing beyond the mire of mediocrity all around.
Intèrprets: Lluís Soler, Xavier Boada, Màrcia Cisteró, Manel Dueso, Camilo García, Marissa Josa, Jordi Martínez, Jacob Torres; Direcció: Oriol Broggi; Direcció de producció: Bet Orfila; Vestuari: Berta Riera; Il·luminació: Pep Barcons; So: Jordi Agut; Tècnic: Guillem Gelabert; Producció: Blanca Arderiu; Ajudant de direcció: Ferran Utzet, Joan M. Albinyana; Ajudant de vestuari i sastre: Annita Ribera; Assistència: Lídia Figueras; Regidoria: Marc Serra; Comunicació: Anna Madueño; Fotografia: Bito Cels; Espai: Oriol Broggi, Sebastià Brosa;