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Un espectacle bodegó d'ÀREAtangent

An aesthetic and conceptual code applicable to the still life painting provides the starting-point for a pocket theatre play for two characters. In a fable that flirts with the grotesque, Ase (“Donkey”), a bus driver, and Dona, who sells fruit and vegetables at the market, embark on a relationship that begins with physical attraction and sex, continues with the series of concessions they make each other in exchange for stability and security, and ends, finally, in one character turning into an animal.

Artistic card

Direcció d'escena: Andrea Segura; Intèrpret: Teresa Urroz; Dramatúrgia: Raquel Tomàs; Escenografia: Eugenio Szwarcer; Il·luminació: Luis Martí;


Raquel Tomàs


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    La Caldera Les Corts

    Carrer del Torrent d'en Vidalet, 43

  • Language