One of the greatest twentieth-century playwrights turns a dark chapter in US history into an allegory of McCarthyism. The festival opens with this co-production by the Grec, the Teatre Romea and the Centro Dramático Nacional, with an outstanding cast directed by the founder of Animalario.
Last year was the centenary of the birth of Arthur Miller, a playwright whose work is marked by strong social and political engagement, a critical spirit that, in The Crucible, alludes to an episode of collective hysteria that took place in Salem (Massachusetts) in 1692. A small rural community governed by strict religious rules and norms of behaviour is shaken by a rumour: that one of local girls has been the victim of a curse. The suspicion that there are witches in the community and disputes between settlers over the ownership of land together cause some twenty-five people, most of them women, to be cruelly sentenced to death. However, the oppressive, irrational atmosphere of Salem is created as a reflection of the environment that existed in the US in the nineteen-fifties, during McCarthyism, a witch-hunt that chose Miller himself as one of its victims. In fact, in 1957, the playwright was convicted of contempt by Congress for refusing to disclose the names of alleged American communists, a sentence that was finally overturned. The Grec Festival of Barcelona revives a play with translation by Eduardo Mendoza and direction by the well-known director, actor and playwright Andrés Lima. Lluís Homar, Borja Espinosa, Nora Navas, Nausicaa Bonnín, Albert Prat, Carles Canut, Carles Canut, Míriam Alemany, Carme Sansa, Miquel Gelabert, Anna Moliner, Marta Closas, Joana Vilapuig, Núria González and Yolanda Sey are the fifteen actors that form the cast for a stage recreation of a particularly strange and sinister historic episode.
Co-production: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona, Teatre Romea and el Centro Dramático Nacional.
At the July 4 performance of Les bruixes de Salem, audio description and care services will be provided. Braille and accessible print versions of the programme will also be available for people with visual impairment at these performances.
In cooperation with ONCE and Institut de persones amb discapacitat.
Conversation about this show: June 3th; 7.30 pm; Biblioteca Jaume Fuster
Autoria: Arthur Miller; Direcció: Andrés Lima; Traducció: Eduardo Mendoza ; Interpretació: Lluís Homar, Borja Espinosa, Nora Navas, Nausicaa Bonnin, Carles Canut, Albert Prat, Carles Martínez, Míriam Alamany, Carme Sansa, Miquel Gelabert, Anna Moliner, Marta Closas, Joana Vilapuig, Núria Golla, Yolanda Sey; Música original: Jaume Manresa; Espai sonor: Jaume Manresa, Jordi Ballbé ; Escenografia i vestuari: Beatriz San Juan ; Caracterització: Toni Santos; Direcció tècnica: Carles Capdet; Il·luminació: Valentín lvarez; Ajudant de direcció: Ester Nadal; Direcció de producció: Amparo Martínez; Cap de producció: Maite Pijuan; Producció executiva: Marina Vilardell; Premsa: Andreu Rami, Anna Casasayas, Marta Ferrà;