One of the worst economic crises of the last century had much to do with a family that migrated to the US in the mid-nineteenth century. This show sketches the history of modern capitalism based on the lives of three generations of bankers: the Lehmans.
In 2008, the whole world was shaken to its foundations by the collapse of an American investment bank that had just been declared bankrupt. This was Lehman Brothers, whose failure unleashed a financial crisis the consequences of which are still being felt today. Who was behind this organisation and what was their story? The answer is in a show that tells the story of a Jewish family who came from Germany to New York in the mid-nineteenth century. Through irony and documentation, and providing considerable food for thought, the play follows several generations of the Lehman family up to the time of the collapse of their investment bank at the turn of the twenty-first century. In fact, Lehman Brothers takes us on a journey through the history of capitalism that begins with the first commercial transactions and ends with phenomena like globalisation. In this way, we are made aware of the degree of dehumanisation that has been reached in certain political and economic spheres in which the pursuit of profit has become a mantra to be repeated over and over. No matter that the steps taken to make more profit have little to do with the needs and structures of the real world. The play is by a Florence-born author who has been at the forefront in Italian letters since 2005, when he won the Pier Vittorio Tondelli Prize, Italy’s highest accolade for playwrights, for L'odore assordante del bianco. Since 2015, moreover, Massini has been artistic director at the Piccolo Teatro in Milan, one of the most prestigious theatres in Italy. His Trilogia Lehman has been performed on stages around the world to enormous international acclaim.
Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona and La Villarroel.
Autoria: Stefano Massini ; Traducció: Carles Fernández Giua; Direcció: Roberto Romei; Interpretació: Santi Ricart, 'scar Muñoz, Jordi Rico, David Vert, Jacob Torres, Rubèn de Eguía; Escenografia: Roger Orra; Construcció de l'escenografia: Estudi-Taller d'Escenografia Jorba-Miró; Responsable tècnic: Txema Orriols; Moviment: Nuria Legarda; Vestuari i caracterització: Marta Rafa; Confecció del vestuari: Eugeni Caireta, Señor; Disseny d'il·luminació: Roger Orra; Espai sonor: Lucas Ariel Vallejos; Perruqueria: TonI Santos; Ajudant de direcció: Anna Maria Ricart; Regidoria: Hèctor Morris; Direcció de producció: Amparo Martínez; Cap de producció: Maite Pijuan ; Producció executiva: Raquel Doñoro; Premsa: Marta Ferrà i Anna Casasayas; Màrqueting: Publispec; Disseny gràfic: Santi&Kco; Fotografia: David Ruano;