La Intrusa

  • Dansa
  • Tops del Grec 2023, Espectacles amb cor


A type of knot is used as a metaphor in the latest creation from this Basque and Catalan company, which presents a group of women who, in the face of the inevitable failure of Humanity, create a new community.

Prusik is the name of a knot for fastening and blocking. It is a friction knot with one characteristic: it undoes itself when the pressure is released and, therefore, it is a knot of salvation. The knot acts as a metaphor for this story: a community in search of new parameters. Their objective is to avoid building the same thing as before, and through their courage, create something new in terms of connections, desire, the longing to be free, the original nature of human beings, one's own nudity, emotion, work, family, the planet... They aim to recover the innocence of the future, get back to playing in peace and rediscover the identity that precedes separation. The members of this community have an urgent need to assault Paradise and recover it.

On this occasion, the La Intrusa company brings together a cast from Catalonia, the Basque Country and Madrid. Together, these fifteen women create this experience, which aims to vindicate Humanity's urgent need to recover tenderness.

This is the new choreographic project from Virginia García and Damián Muñoz, aka La Intrusa, which was founded in the Catalan capital in 1996, after winning the Madrid Choreographic Contest. In 2015, after a career spanning more than 20 years, full of successes and international recognition, the company was awarded the Spanish Ministry of Culture's National Dance Award. They are the authors of poetic shows, that have a powerful visual and emotional impact, with an intimate tone that easily connects with the audience. They have brought various shows to the Grec, including Niágara (2020 Open Grec; rescheduled after the cancellation of that year's Dansa Metropolitana); their latest creations include Mud Gallery. Animales de hermosa piel (2015) and It's a Wrap. Kubrick is dead (2020). Once again, García and Muñoz work with reflections, symbols and metaphors which become movement on stage, while also using sounds and words.

A La intrusa production.
With the support of and in collaboration with the Basque Government, the Centro Coreográfico Canal - Compañía Residente en Creación y Donostia Cultura - Teatro Victoria Eugenia.

Artistic card

Directed by: Virginia García and Damián Muñoz, Written by: Virginia García, Creation and performance: Carmen Fumero, Virginia García, Helena Gispert, Performed by: María Casares, Claudia Gómez, Paula Montoya, Alicia Pírez, Anna Sagrera, Marta Santacatalina, Isabela Rossi, Olaia Valle, Oihana Vesga, Score: Jesús Díaz (Making Music in Silence), Soundtrack: La Intrusa, Costumes: La Intrusa, Lighting: La Intrusa, Daniel Badal, Lighting and sound technician: Daniel Badal, Production and management: Cane (N.Canela) Photography: Antonio N. Wijkmark


  • Dates
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona