La gallina dels ous d'or

  • Teatre

Zum-zum Teatre / Ramon Molins

What does being rich or poor mean? What is greed? These are just two of the questions asked by a company from Lleida specializing in shows for a family audience.

Once upon a time there was a poor farmer and his wife who used to take in all the lost hens that came to their farm. One day a hen arrived that changed their luck, a hen with very white feathers that laid a golden egg every day. Wealth gave way to greed and happiness became misfortune, ruining the lives of the farmer and his wife. It is a story of poverty, wealth and greed... and it tells us that money is a “fairy tale”.

This is a new offering from a theatre company that has previously presented productions like, for example, La camisa de l’home feliç or La nena que vivia en una capsa de sabates.

Artistic card

Autoria / direcció i dramatúrgia: Ramon Molins Marqués; Interpretació: Begonya Ferrer, Ramon Molins, Albert Garcia; Espai escènic: Joan Pena; Cançons: Ramon Molins; Música: Diversos autors; Vestuari: Olga Cuito; Sabateria: €ngel Moreno, Joan Pena; Sonorització: Sergio Sisques; Il€luminació: Zum-zum Teatre; Coordinació tècnica: Stagelab; Fotografia: Carmen Garcia, Tony Redondo; Producció executiva: Eva Lega; Escenografia: Joan Pena; Disseny de la il€luminació: Zum-zum Teatre; Disseny del so / Concepció sonora: Sergio Sisques; Disseny del vídeo: Zum-zum Teatre; Producció: Zum-zum Teatre;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    6.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Sant Andreu Teatre - saT!

    Carrer de Neopàtria, 54, 08030 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    55 min
  • Price
    10 €