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In 2021, the Barcelona Grec Festival and eleven of the city’s theatres launched the joint project On el teatre batega and opened a call for submissions of theatrical texts and projects. At Teatre Akadèmia and other venues, dramatised readings of some of these projects were staged, including La Chispa, the play by dramatist Marc Angelet, with stage direction by Ana Pérez García and Iban Beltran this year. Together with the actors, tell the story of a group of young entrepreneurs who've opened a shop in local neighbourhood dedicated to the world of comics. Then there comes a point where they have to choose between continuing to run their business or becoming superheroes themselves to right the wrongs committed every day by bad people. And they have a good example: a superhero who calls himself La Chispa has appeared in the neighbourhood. But the police are out looking for him...
Marc Angelet submitted the work in the first Teatres de Proximitat.call for submissions. A playwright and stage director, he is the author of pieces like Els Eufòrics (with Pep Pla; Grec 2014), McBeth con queso, El biògraf, Voyager and the tech comedy eGo. He recently co-wrote Lapònia (with Cristina Clemente), MILI KK (with Jumon Erra) and Calma! with The Guillem Albà Company. The shows he has most recently directed include Artaban by Marc Rosich and Marc Sambola, and the musical Infanticida by Caterina Albert and Clara Peya.
A co-production by the Barcelona Grec Festival 2022 and the Teatre Akadèmia.
Authorship: Marc Angelet. Direcció: Iban Beltran, Ana Pérez García. Performing: Lluís Català, Maria Frias, Miguel Gómez, Núria Orellana. Set: Sebastià Brosa. Costumes: Caterina Pérez. Lighting: Lluís Serra. Sound space: Roger Abalos. Set assistance: Laura Martínez Pi. Production assistance: Anna Castillo. Photography: Felipe Mena, Bori Mo.
Teatre Akadèmia Team:
Artistic direction: Guido Torlonia. Management and production: Meri Notario. Marketing and communication: Míriam Font. Press office andartistic direction assistance: Fernando Solla. Technician: Lluís Serra. Assistant technician: Victor Castro. Venue management: Núria Farrús. Audiences: Rubén Salinas. Community Manager: Eladi Bonastre.