The Luchino Visconti aesthetic could be clearly seen in previous productions by the Slovenian directorTomaz Pandur. Now, however, in his first appearance before Barcelona audiences, Pandur pays homage to the Italian film director with a theatre version of The Damned. The play, featuring an exceptional cast, recounts the decline and break-up of a German aristocratic family over the days between the Reichstag Fire and the Night of the Long Knives, that is, the earliest moments of the Third Reich. The Essenbecks, who have alternated between supporting and scorning Hitler’s party, become bound up in a bloody power struggle after the murder of the patriarch, Baron Von Essenbeck.
Versió i direcció: Tomaz Pandur; Traducció: Pablo Viar; Dramatúrgia: Livija Pandur; Intèrprets: Belén Rueda, Pablo Rivero, Alberto Jiménez, Manuel De Blas, Santi Marín, Francisco Boira, Nur Levi, Fernando Cayo, Emilio Gavira, Ramón Grau; Escenografia: Numen (Sven Jonke); Il·luminació: Juan Gómez Cornejo; Vestuari: Angelina Atlagic; Disseny de vídeo: Álvaro Luna; Coordinació musical: Antonio Moreno; Ajudant de direcció: Damià Plensa; Col·laboració: Ronald Savkovic; Ajudant d'escenografia i vestuari: Nicolas Bueno; Caracterització: Chema Noci; Fotografia: Aljosa Rebolj; Disseny del cartell: Javier Naval;