One of the most active venues on the independent scene in Barcelona offers during the Grec a sample of its innovative multidisciplinary programming.
The author and director Marta Galán picks up the baton of the community art project with local people of the Casc Antic, led by the Antic Teatre for over five years, and she presents, in collaboration with the participants, the first phase of the work they are doing. The show explores the beauty of people who are growing old, and who demonstrate their beauty through various texts, images and actions. They are, in short, the essential memories of women, workers, mothers and daughters, who offer us an alternative to official accounts.
Creació i interpretació: les veïnes Aurora Roig, Emilia Martín, Pilar Bajo i Maria Isabel Gutiérrez (resta de participants, per concretar); Documentació en vídeo i disseny audiovisual: Martín Elena; Disseny il€luminació: Anna Rovira; Creació de vestuari: Anna Estany / Annatrash amb les intèrprets; Assessor de so i selecció musical: Janot ; Col·laboració visual de l'artista: Nicolás Spinosa; Direcció: Marta Galán / TRANSlab;