Joan Manuel Serrat

  • Música

Hijo de la luz y de la sombra

Nearly 40 years after first putting his poems to music, Serrat once more places his art at the service of Miguel Hernández, a poet who died in a Franquist prison in 1942. Hijo de la luz y de la sombra [Son of Light and Darkness] was conceived to continue that first album and to commemorate the centenary of the poet’s birth. Serrat selects thirteen poems from different periods in Hernández’s life, from early works to the verses that give this show its title.

Artistic card

Direcció musical i piano: Ricard Miralles; Bateria i percussió: Vicente Climent; Contrabaix i baix elèctric: Víctor Merlo; Guitarra: Israel Sandoval; Teclat i programacions: Josep Mas "Kitflus"; Viola: Olvido Lanza; Arranjaments: Ricard Miralles, Joan Albert Amargós, Josep Mas "Kitflus"; Director d'escena: Andrés Seco; Disseny d'espai escènic: Miguel Brayada; Disseny i operari de llums: Òscar Gallardo; So d'escena: Manuel Cervera; So de sala: Víctor Masian; Producció general: Berry Producciones y Taller 83, S.A.; Arranjaments: Ricard Miralles, Joan Albert Amargós, Josep Mas "Kitflus";



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya