Jerôme LaVoix

  • Música

El retorn

An enigmatic crooner and Latin lover presents a theatrical concert featuring induced psychotherapy and plenty of humour.

Who is that mysterious sex symbol, that performer and seducer who never talks, but only sings? It is Jerôme LaVoix, a balladeer ensconced in mystery… If you want answers, you will find them at this show in which, accompanied by his Gran Orquestra Internacional, LaVoix returns to the stage after a long period of absence, spent in Camprodon. LaVoix does not speak, he only whispers sensually, taking the microphone to perform tunes from a golden age, drenched in the Mediterranean, from "Arrivederci Roma" to "Genova per noi". Eternally good music and even better humour.

Artistic card

Direcció escènica i dramatúrgia: Martí Torras Mayneris; Intèrprets: Jerôme LaVoix i la seva Gran Orquestra Internacional; Composició musical: Diversos autors; Clarinet: Amadís Dudú; Vestuari: Mariel Soria; Disseny d'i·luminació: Martí Torras; Disseny de so: David Casamitjana; Concepció Sonora : David Casamitjana; Regidoria: Rocío Arjona; Il·luminació i so: Rocío Arjona; Veu: Jerôme LaVoix; Acordió: Maestro Ermenegildo Laz; Contrabaix: Eddye Baby Jr.; Flauta i mandolina: V. Armador; Bateria: Ahmed al Tortahad;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
  • Space


    Plaça de Margarida Xirgu, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Price
    e 16