Jam Session de crítics al Grec 2016€

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Have you got a favourite critic? There is a huge choice of dance, theatre and circus shows on the festival programme, so any good tips are welcome. Come and meet some of the city's critics and chat with them for a while.

The idea is to organise a simple, relaxed meeting between spectators and critics in Barcelona. The event is organised by Recomana, which offers critics a new forum, one that goes beyond the classical press outlet. The association also invites these critics to rate and recommend works on the recomana.cat website.

Every Sunday evening, in an exchange of opinions, two critics will discuss the latest shows they have seen. Have you go anything to add? Of course you have, and you can compare your opinions with those of nearly forty critics associated with the platform.

With Juan Carlos Olivares (coordinator), Francesc Massip and José Carlos Sorribes (July 3), Santi Fondevila and Montse Otzet (July 10 ), Andreu Gomila and Xavi Pardo (July 17), Ramon Oliver and Carmen del Val (July 23).

Further information:


Jam Session de crítics


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    5 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price
    Admission free