The Irrepressibles

  • Música

Montjuïc de nit

The Irrepressibles, who open the Montjuïc de Nit concert season, are the most unusual band on the UK music scene today. According to the group’s MySpace page, their influences range from Prince to the Sex Pistols, from Kurt Weil to the Pixies, from George Gershwin to the Velvet Underground. And this spectacular blend has the critics eating out of their collective hand. Onstage, The Irrepressibles are unique, surprising, moving, with an unforgettable live show.

Artistic card

Composició, veu i guitarra: James McDermott; Clarinet saxo: Sarah Tobias; Contrabaix: Sophia Li; Flauta: Rosie Reed; Oboè i corn anglès: Olivia Duque; Piano: Sarah Kershaw; Viola: Charlie Stock; Violí: Jordan Hunt; Violoncel: Nicole Robson; Fotografia: Yael Fachler;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya