Guardianes del corazón de la Tierra [Guardians of the Heart of the Earth]

  • Teatre

La Conquesta del Pol Sud

A journey from the centre of Europe to the heart of the Amazon rainforest. Poetry and documentary come together to draw us into a distant reality in which, paradoxically, we see ourselves reflected.

The company La Conquesta del Pol Sud documents the journey of a member of a community from the Brazilian Amazon, the Huni Kuin (which means "the authentic people" in their language) back to his origins. The voyage departs from Hamburg, Germany, to reach the interior of the Jordao region, deep in the Brazilian rainforest. Along the way, they witness the world of the Amazon rainforest, which is succumbing to the pressure of uncontrolled exploitation of natural resources.

The company's investigative piece aims to bring us face-to-face with the ancient ideas of Amazonian cultures: an approach to the relationship between human beings and the earth that is far removed from Western thought. The show is a theatrical poem about the relationship between human beings and the Earth. On stage, music and traditional philosophical storytelling are combined with contemporary dance. At the same time, the company's documentary vision runs parallel to this. We want to contrast two worlds - the city and the jungle - within the same experience. On the one hand, the experience in a 'frontier' city between a natural and an urban environment, and on the other, the portrayal of the experience from the heart of the Amazon.

A La Conquesta del Pol Sud, La Villarroel, Teatro Español, Grec 2023 Festival de Barcelona and KVS Brussels. 

Supported byICEC- Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals.

In cooperation with Terrassa Town Hall and Nau Ivanow.

Financed by European Union Next Generation Funds, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (Government of Spain), Next Generation Catalunya (Generalitat de Catalunya).

Artistic card

Authorship and performing: Txana Bane Huni Kuin, Gabriela Olivera, Carles F. Giua, Eugenio Szwarcer. Directed by: Carles Fernández Giua. Set and audiovisuals: Eugenio Szwarcer. Development technician:Luis Martí. Sound: Damien Bazin. Lighting: Natalia Ramos. Movement: Roser López Espinosa. Executive production: Irene Vicente Management and communication: Lidia Giménez. Graphic design: Santi&Kco.


  • Schedule
    6 to 9 July, Thursday and Friday at 8 pm; Saturday at 5:30 pm and 8 pm; Sunday at 5.30 pm
  • Space

    La Villarroel

    Carrer de Villarroel, 87, 08011 Barcelona, Espanya