Gaivota. Tema per a un conte breu

  • Teatre

Inspired by the play "La Gavina", d'Anton Txèkhov

One of Chekhov’s best-known plays, revisited by one of the leading names in contemporary Brazilian theatre. Gaivota. Tema per a un conte breu takes its inspiration from The Seagull, embarking on an investigative work in which the actors themselves take part. The themes of the text, which incorporates elements from The Lady of the Camellias, Stanislavsky’s production diaries and the actors’ own personal and professional experience, are people, time, the 21st century… An immersion in Chekhov’s universe that provides a vehicle for discussing the theatre, art and the individual in today’s chaotic world.

Artistic card

Direcció: Enrique Díaz; Coreografia: Cristina Moura; Direcció adjunta: Daniela Fortes; Direcció d'escena: Marcos Lesqueves; Banda sonora: Estúdio Apr X, Lucas Marcier, Rodrigo Marçal; Intèrpret: Bel Garcia, Felipe Rocha, Emílio de Mello, Bel Teixeira, Gilberto Gawronski, Mariana Lima; Escenografia: Afonso Tostes; Figurins: Marcelo Olinto; Il·luminació: Maneco Quinderé; Operador de llums: Leandro Barreto; Operador de so i vídeo: Lucas Marcier;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Language
    Portuguese subtitled in Catalan