Full Evening

  • Dansa

Contrapunctus danceport

Take part in a new contemporary dance experience by choosing the soundtrack yourself.

Sure you would like to help the members of this dance company to dynamite the classical concept of the spectator as a mere voyeur! No, don’t worry, we’re not asking you to dance, but we do want you to play an active role. How? By making your own reading of the movement you will see on stage and choosing the music to accompany the dance. You will be given headphones with a few audio channels so that choose your own soundtrack to the performance. Do you like baroque music? Or do you prefer a romantic orchestra, electronic music or pop? You will discover that you perceive what is happening on stage differently according to the sound landscape you select. This is an innovative show by a company founded in 2004 by the Catalan dancers and choreographers Nora Sitges-Sardà and Claudi Bombardó, who have worked in Germany, Austria, Italy and Israel, amongst other countries.

Artistic card

Direcció: Claudi Bombardó Oriol; Intèrprets: Iratxe Ansa, Laia Duran Fígols, Emmanuel Gázquez, Nora Sitges-Sardà, Maxime Iannarelli; Composició musical: Diversos autors; Escenografia: Contrapunctusdp; Moviment: Claudi Bombardó ; Vestuari: Contrapunctusdp; Disseny d'i·luminació: Claudi Bombardó, Cristina Conde Eujen; Disseny de so: Claudi Bombardó; Concepció Sonora : Claudi Bombardó;


Claudi Bombardó/ Nora Sitges


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    20 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    55 min
  • Price
    e 22