Fem una bona pena abans de morir

  • Escena híbrida

Sònia Gómez / Los Sara Fontán

Death, on stage and in life. What unites us at the end of our existence? What will be left of us when we are gone? A choreographer and performer and the musicians who accompany her ask themselves this question in an experience from the Escenes programme.

For the last few years, as part of the Escenes programme, L'Auditori has been contacting creators from different arts and proposing exercises of hybridisation of their talents, always around a common theme that marks the season of the musical space on Carrer de Lepanto. This year the theme is “death or return,” a motto that has inspired the scheduled creators, including the performer, dancer and choreographer Sònia Gómez and the musical collective Los Sara Fontán and the drummer Edi Pou, fifty per cent of the experimental rock duo Za! The three artists have examined the history of opera, theatre and the living arts and have found that they are... Full of corpses! How are these deaths (sublime and ridiculous, pathetic and moving...) that we have been seeing on stage for years? What would happen if we chained them together and, freed from their context, presented them as a catalogue? This trio will focus on the very moment of death in search of those elements common to all deaths: from the most epic to the most comical and from the most intimate to the most universal.

This will be an excellent opportunity to see Sònia Gómez, at work, an artist from La Sénia who has settled in Barcelona and trained at the Institut del Teatre (Barcelona) and the Performing Arts Research and Training Studio founded in Brussel by Anne Teresa de Keermaeker. Since 2004, she has worked on projects dealing with issues such as identity building, the unmasking of social deception, and the deception of art through the body and performance. We saw her at the Grec 2018, collaborating with Pere Jou and David Climent in the show Nowhere in particular. Now, she takes the stage at l'Auditori with an essential sound collective. Los Sara Fontán transform an instrument as classical as the violin into an element of experimentation, exploring all styles and using it in poetry, dance, museum installations and soundtracks. Last year they were already at the Grec, with Tarta Relena and Cocanha, working on project 4132314, which won the Ciutat de Barcelona de Música 2022 prize. 

A co-production of L'Auditori - Cicle Escenes

Collaboration: Grec Festival de Barcelona

With the support of the Fàbrica de Creació Fabra i Coats, Nau Ivanov and Nyam Nyam

Artistic card

Creation, direction, performance and production: Los Sara Fontán and Sònia Gómez. Drama assistance: Joan Morey. Scenic-costume conception​: Joan Morey, Los Sara Fontán and Sònia Gómez. Lightning design: Ivan Cascon. Teaser creation:  Arnau Garcia i Borrull, Inés González-Quijano and Alba Marco. Special thanks: La Capsa, Guillem Bonet, Juan José Teixidó “Teixi” and Sofía Zunino.
