Federico García

  • Teatre

Pep Tosar

Music, dance, text and images in a piece that examines the figure of the poet Federico García Lorca, providing a multi-faceted exploration of his life and his literary work.

Actor and director Pep Tosar has previously revisited the life and work of several poets and singers in such stage productions as Tots aquests dois (devoted to Guillem d'Efak), La casa en obres (Blai Bonet), Poseu-me les ulleres (Vicent Andrés Estellés) and Esquena de ganivet (Damià Huguet), amongst others. Now, he applies the same narrative method to narrate the biography of one of the most-read poets in Spanish, murdered in Granada at the start of the Civil War in 1936. Pep Tosar achieves this by combining his own acting performance with contributions from Flamenco guitarist (Jesús Guerrero), a bailaor (Jesús Carmona) and a cantaora (Alba Carmona). The result is a work that combines music, dance and text to recreate the most significant moments in the poet’s life, linking Lorca’s personal experiences to his works. All this is complemented by, firstly, video images, a soundtrack of Lorquian landscapes; and, secondly, a series of interviews discussing the poet’s life and work, filmed on a train covering the route from Madrid to Granada. In this way, the work recreates Lorca’s last journey, the one that led him to his tragic end.

Artistic card

Direcció: Pep Tosar ; Dramatúrgia: Pep Tosar, Evelyn Arévalo; Bailaor: Jesús Carmona ; Cante: Alba Carmona ; Guitarra: Jesús Guerrero ; Percussió: David Domínguez; Intèrpret: Pep Tosar ; Espai escènic: Pep Tosar; Vestuari: Evelyn Arévalo, Leonor Caro; Disseny d'il·luminació: Pep Tosar; Realització de vídeo: Agustí Torres; Ajudant de càmera: Francesc Martorell; Ajudant de direcció: Evelyn Arévalo; Tècnic de llums: Sergio Roca Sanz; Producció: Leonor Caro;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Sala Hiroshima

    Carrer de Vila i Vilà, 67, 08004 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    90 min
  • Price
    24 €