
  • Teatre

Albert Mestres

What is theatre if not a way of explaining the world? This becomes clear in an international project that brings together a Catalan playwright, author and director, two talented actors and a very special Slovenian actress.

Three acts that take traditional farce as their starting point form the theatrical work written by the playwright and director Albert Mestres in 2005. The text had existed for ten years, then, but it was not until some time after writing it that Mestres found the performer he needed in order to put it onto the stage: a Slovenian actress, Anja Novak, whose ability to communicate greatly impressed the Catalan author. This is how a project began to take shape, a project that, at last, we can see on the stage: a meditation on the world of the theatre that is, at the same time, a metaphor of the chaotic state of the world today. The crisis of the word and an omnipresent destructive force are the central elements in all three acts that form Farsa. In Pròleg, a modern clown informs the audience about the conditions in which the performance will take place; in Sense paraules, mute Gènia (an Iphigenia freed from being sacrificed by her family) illustrates the suicide of the word, the impossibility of communication. Finally, in Pur teatre, an actor speaks to us, reviving the most classical tradition of the art of telling stories, through a narrative set in a modern-day version of the myth of Iphigenia, taking as its theme the madness of dialogue. Farsa is the work of an author who has published poetry, plays and novels, as well as creating opera and dramatic ballet, conceiving poetic performances and collaborating with a huge range of artists and theatre groups. The translator of a long list of authors, from the Marquis de Sade to Jean-Paul Sartre, amongst many others, Albert Mestres currently teaches at Barcelona Theatre Institute.

Production: Grec Festival de Barcelona and La Patacada

Artistic card

Direcció i dramatúrgia: Albert Mestres; Interpretació: Toni Guillemat, Anja Novak, Quimet Pla; Escenografia: José Menchero; Vestuari: Andrej Vrhovnik; Disseny d'il·luminació: José Menchero; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Joan Alavedra; Traducció a l'eslovè: Veronika Rot; Ajudant de direcció: Queralt Riera; Gestió del projecte: Isabel Castellet - Collserola, projectes culturals;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    9 pm
  • Space

    Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 39, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price