Esta noche... Zarzuela

  • Teatre

La viejecita i Château Margaux

La viejecita and Château Margaux are the two works by Manuel Fernández Caballero that will form the double bill of Zarzuela presented by the Catalan stage director Lluís Pasqual in his first incursion into this Spanish lyrical genre in the course of his long career. As is habitual in the Zarzuela, these two musical delights, first performed in Madrid in the late-19th century and now revived at the Grec 09 Festival, speak of conflicts between people in a light, humorous style, with the accent on entertainment. Lluís Pasqual masterfully shapes these ingredients into a superb production that is also guaranteed to move audiences–the Catalan director’s stock-in-trade.

Artistic card

Autoria: Manuel Fernández Caballero; Direcció musical: Miguel Ortega; Intèrprets: Lander Iglesia, Valeriano Lanchas, José Manuel Díaz, Emilio Sánchez, Sonia de Munk, Borja Quiza, Jesús Castejón; Orquestra: Bilbao Philarmonia; Cor: Coro Rossini; Escenografia: Paco Azorín; Direcció escènica: Lluís Pasqual; Vestuari: Isidre Prunés; Il·luminació: Lluís Pasqual; Coreografia: Montse Colomé; Ajudant de direcció: Leo Castaldi; Ajudant d'escenografia: Jordi Soler i Prim; Direcció de cors: Gerardo Carbajo;


Manuel Fernández Caballero


  • Start date
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  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40