Els racons de la memòria

  • Circ

Circ Cric / Tortell Poltrona

Come to the most clownish birthday party you can imagine: Tortell Poltrona celebrates 35 years as a professional at the Grec Festival. Don't dress up specially though - a red nose will be enough.

Who knows what is stored away in a clown’s memory? Lots of lovely reminiscences, for sure but, above all, a load of sketches that have made young and old alike laugh until the tears ran down their faces. A journey through such memories must be a real rollercoaster ride. Well, Tortell Poltrona invites you to take a voyage through his life in the profession, navigating around the funniest numbers and the most intense moments in his career as a clown. More than sketches, these are tiny gems of visual poems that improve a little with every performance. And if they are accompanied by live music... then truly our cup runneth over!

Tortell Poltrona, founder and director of Circ Cric, is one of the best-known and most highly-admired “red noses” in the business. In 2005, the Government of Catalonia awarded him the National Prize for Culture in the circus category. Tortell is also the founder of the NGO Clowns Without Borders.

Artistic card

Direcció: Tortell Poltrona; Direcció escènica: Blai Mateu; Intèrprets: Tortell Poltrona, Srta. Titat, Jordi Saban, Luara Mateu; Composició musical: Víctor Ammann; Veu i percussió: Pere Gómez; Vestuari: Emma Escolano, Rosa Solé, Sessé Muñoz, Cristina Fortuny, Txell Janot; Disseny d'i·luminació: Quico Gutiérrez; Disseny de so: Roc Mateu; Concepció Sonora : Roc Mateu; Piano i acordió: Víctor Ammann; Saxo: Pep Torres; Flauta travessera: Pep Torres; Flautí solista: Pep Torres; Baix elèctric: Ignasi Pujol;


Tortell Poltrona


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    20 h
  • Space

    Font Màgica de Montjuïc / Pavelló Mies van der Rohe

    Plaça de Carles Buïgas, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    120 min
  • Price
    e 12-28