El pop d'una nit d'estiu

  • Música

Thirteen first-class artists, thirty instrumentalists on stage, about ninety minutes of music on a cool night of July... This is the dream of a summer’s night, at least, for pop and rock lovers.

What does summer suggest to you? For some, such word is a synonym of free time, holiday, love stories or shared moments with friends. For many others, it means... festival! For one night, the Grec Theatre turns into a grand square, a stage of music and songs, a space to celebrate the talent of pretty well-known artists at home who, for one night, enjoy the stage together. The club TR3SC gives an unrepeatable joint concert with thirteen pop and rock artists accompanied with a live orchestra, the GIOrquestra, formed by around thirty musicians and directed by Marc Timón. Among others, you will listen to Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés, Joan Pons (El Petit de Cal Eril), Ramon Mirabet, Joan Colomo, Ferran Palau, Judit Neddermann, Pavvla... interpreting a song each and presented by the conductor Sara Loscos, host of a magical night. A different and unrepeatable concert that no lover of pop and rock made in Catalonia should miss.

A production of Club TR3SC

Artistic card

Conduction and presentation: Sara Loscos Orchestra musical direction and arrangements: Marc Timón Musical interpretation: GIOrquestra, Maria Arnal i Marcel Bagés, David Carabén, Joan Pons (El Petit de Cal Eril), Clara Peya, Joan Dausà, Núria Graham, Ramon Mirabet, Judit Neddermann, Joan Colomo, Pavvla, Ferran Palau, Alba Carmona, Quimi Portet


  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
  • Price