Dulce Pontes

  • Música

If you enjoy Portuguese music, Dulce Pontes is a treat not to be missed. Considered by many as the heiress to Amalia Rodriguez, Fado’s spiritual mother, Pontes has brought a new popularity to the genre, pointing towards different directions, both traditional and innovative. Seated at the piano, intimate and radiant, the singer indulges in sobriety, in simplicity, in a Fado which has been rid of the excessive orchestration of the past. She has performed with the likes of Josep Carreras, Andrea Boccelli, Cesárea Évora and Caetano Veloso, showing how versatile her talent is, but it is Fado that has brought her the most extraordinary success.

Artistic card

Veu i piano: Dulce Pontes; Direcció musical: Dulce Pontes; Guitarra: Amadeu Magalhaes, José Soares, Filipe Lucas, Paulo Feiteira; Flauta: Amadeu Magalhaes; Oboè: Lopes da Graça; Violoncel: Davide Zaccaria; Baix acústic: Davide Zaccaria; Percussions: Beto Betuk; Timbals: Beto Betuk;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Grec

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 36, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya