Diego Amador Trio

  • Música

El Jamboree, al Grec

This pianist and cantaor explores the sounds of flamenco and jazz. In his Barcelona Grec Festival concerts, he reaffirms his powerful connection with Latin American sounds.

Diego Amador's latest studio album is Vivir (2019) where he uses his flamenco voice to sing a repertoire of well-known, traditional South American songs. In his Grec concerts, he will once again review music with Latin American roots and reinterpret songs such as Para Troilo y Salgán and the well-known Naranjo en flor, but always adapted to his personal style.
Once again, Plaça Reial's jazz club becomes a Barcelona Grec Festival venue with a selection of great artists who, like Diego Amador, offer us a taste of how jazz on each side of the Atlantic Ocean has evolved.

Artistic card

Musicians: Diego Amador (piano and vocals), Manuel Reina (drums), Rafa Díaz (electric bass) Photography: Rubén Martín


  • Dates
  • Space


    Plaça Reial, 17, 08002 Barcelona, Espanya