Creation & museums: La col·lecció. Guinea Equatorial 1948-1961

  • Activitats paral·leles

This exhibition, as alive as ephemeral, navigates between the graphic archives of the first expeditions to the old Spanish colony of Equatorial Guinea starring Augusto Panyella and Jordi Sabater Pi. With a soundtrack by Juan Cristóbal Saavedra and an audiovisual design by MiPrimerDrop, we can explore the close relationship between the first decades of ethnographic photography, the colonial past of Barcelona and the barbarism experienced by the inhabitants of the colonized territories.

A coproduction of Azkona & Toloza, La Caldera - Creation Centre of Dance and Stage Arts, Ethnologic Museum and world cultures of Barcelona and ICUB.

Concept: Azkona & Toloza Performance: Rosalía Zanón, Claudia Fuentes, Laida Azkona Goñi

Museums and cultural spaces around the city, on occasion of the Grec Festival of Barcelona, ​​will host a series of stage proposals of diverse disciplines that show the creative potential of the artists linked to the city’s factories and spaces of creation.

Free activities


  • Dates
  • Space

    Museu Etnològic i de Cultures del Món de Barcelona - Montjuïc