
  • Circ

Escarlata Circus

An experience, conceived as a guided tour of a collection of heart-shaped stones that come to life, tell stories and thus become the focus of a €oegeocardiotheatricalcircus€ exercise.

During this tour, Miss Coral and Mister Pedro will tell us about the curiosity cabinets that were popular in the past and they will show us that in this museum we are surrounded by works of art. If our curiosity is playful, we will realize that we are with the oldest inhabitants of the planet: stones. Listening to them we feel tiny before Nature, the universe and its history.

And as if it were an anatomy lesson, we will reflect on the intrigues of the heart. What is a heartbeat? How many times does our heart beat? How many kilometres of blood vessels do we have in our body? Or we may think a little about history and, travelling from the time of the Egyptians and the Greeks, to the Middle Ages, the age of the fathers of reason and, finally, to the present day, we may wonder: how can it be, if the heart is a muscle that pumps blood all around the body, that we refer to it and not any other organ to talk about love?

Based on some apparently inert objects, we will be surprised like children, study like scientists and place our imagination in contact with knowledge, because art, like science, is also a tool for learning about the world.

Artistic card

Autor/a: Jordi Aspa i Laura Tajada; Direcció: Laura Tajada; Interpretació: Jordi Aspa, Bet Miralta; Construcció de l'escenografia: Jordi Aspa; Ajudantia de construcció de suports: Carles Guardis; Conseller tècnic: Jordi Salvadó ; Disseny de la il€luminació: Quico Gutiérrez; Ambientació olfactiva: Dario Sirerol ; Producció: Marcel€lí Puig, Bet Miralta; Disseny gràfic: Münster Studio; Fotografies: Gina Aspa;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    7.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 39, 08038 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    60 min (and 30 min meeting the audience)
  • Price
    12 €