Compañía Nacional de Danza 2

  • Dansa

In Alone, for a Second a woman, central character of the ballet, leads us, in Duato's most introspective work, by the fragile  arrier that separates the conscious from the unconscious. White Man Sleeps permeates the stage with an atmosphere ethnicity that does not turn its back on classical language. With one silencio en boca is a three step created especially by dancers from CND 2 in which Rodríguez shows the indecisive sions, the deceptions and inner struggles of a love triangle. Finally, in Coming Together Duato shows a world effervescent and dreamlike, in a markedly contemporary piece.

Artistic card

Artistic director: Nacho Duato. Assistant to the artistic director: Tony Fabre

Alone, for a Second
Choreography: Nacho Duato. Music: Erik Satie. Premiere in Barcelona
White Man Sleeps
Choreography: Tony Fabre. Music: Kevin Volans for Kronos Quartet. Premiere in Barcelona
With a silence in the mouth
Choreography: Ángel Rodríguez. Music: Philip Glass and Stephen Micus. Premiere in Barcelona
Coming Together
Choreography: Nacho Duato. Music: Frederic Rzewski


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Dates
  • Space

    Teatre Victòria

    Avinguda del Paral-lel, 67