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The life and work of the writer Joan Maragall inspires three theatrical performances at La Cuina (Biblioteca Francesca Bonnemaison public library).

A journey into Joan Maragall’s literary and human homeland, based on poems and prose writings that bring us closer to the poet and his views on such subjects as writing itself, the relations between Catalonia and Spain, “Tragic Week” and the death of Ferrer i Guàrdia, amongst others. Maragall’s work invites interpretations and reflections that are still absolutely contemporary.

Artistic card

Espai sonor i composicions musicals: Maria Andreu; Intèrprets: Mireia Chalamanch, Oriol Genís; Dramatúrgia i direcció: Josep Maria Miró; Espai escènic: Enric Planas; Il·luminació: Xavi Valls; Estilisme: Anna Estany; Producció: L'arrencacors;


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    La Cuina

    Carrer de Sant Pere Més Baix, 7