Clean City

  • Teatre

Anestis Azas / Prodromos Tsinikoris

Five immigrant women who work as domestic assistants in Athens star in a shocking but hilarious play that, rich in realism, speaks to us of Greece today through stories of the women who keep it clean.

It may never have occurred to you, but the word "cleaning" or "cleansing" has had sinister connotations since the days of Nazism. Ethnic cleansing, police operations aimed at "cleaning up" an area of criminal activity... These expressions take on a new dimension in light of the crisis that has hit Greece and has led to the emergence of enormous pressure against the migrant community. These migrants, who some would like to "cleanse", particularly women migrants, have taken on the task of cleaning up Greece, this time in the most literal sense. And migrant women now take the stage to tell their stories and give us their view of the country that has taken them in. A woman from the Philippines, a soprano from Moldova, an Albanian woman, a South African woman married to a Greek man, and a Bulgarian woman invite us to share their experiences and reveal the radical changes that have affected the Greek labour market in recent years. True, the message is not so pleasant, perhaps, but it is expressed cleverly and with great humour, wringing comedy out of the cruellest situations.

Anestis Azas and Prodromos Tsinikoris are the authors of such plays as Telemachus € Should I Stay or Should I Go?, in which they brought together the younger Greek generations with the older generation of migrants who went to Germany to find work. Since 2015 they have been the artistic directors of the Experimental Stage (-1) at the National Theatre in Athens.

Artistic card

Autoria i direcció: Anestis Azas / Prodromos Tsinikoris ; Dramatúrgia: Margarita Tsomou; Interpretació: Lauretta Macauley, Rositsa Pandalieva, Fredalyn Resurreccion, Drita Shehi, Valentina Ursache; Composició musical: Panagiotis Manouilidis; Escenografia i vestuari: Eleni Stroulia, Zaira Falirea; Construcció dels titelles: Yiannis Katranitsas; Disseny de la il€luminació: Eliza Alexandropoulou; Disseny del vídeo: Nikos Pastras; Intervenció en el vídeo: Nelly Kambouri; Ajudantia de direcció: Ioanna Valsamidou, Liana Taousiani; Producció: Vasilis Chrysanthopoulos;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    8.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Teatre Lliure Montjuïc

    Passeig de Santa Madrona, 40

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    22 €