Ciutat de vidre

  • Teatre

Obskené - Ricard Soler i Mallol

Under the guise of a detective story, using audiovisual language, this show, which won the 2015 Adrià Gual Prize for Best Theatre Project, features a play on doubles as it meditates on the dissolution of the subject in today's world.

In Ciutat de vidre, everything begins with a wrong number, when someone calls Quinn, the star of the show, asking to speak to the detective Paul Auster. It all starts like a detective novel, but soon becomes a disturbing, open exploration of our disorientation in contemporary society. This latest production from a young theatre company, Obskené, takes its inspiration from City of Glass, the graphic novel by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli, itself an adaptation of one of Paul Auster’s best-known books. Ciutat de vidre is a technological production that combines projected images with live actors, taking the expressive mechanisms of the comic book to transform them into stage language through projections. The play intrigues and questions, disorientates and fascinates, showcasing the talent of a promising theatre company that has already won such awards as the Max Prize for Best Adaptation for their piece Fuenteovejuna. Breve tratado sobre las ovejas domésticas.

Ciutat de vidre received the 2015 Adrià Gual Prize for Best Theatrical Project, awarded by the Theatre Institute. The Grec Festival of Barcelona produced the work to help promote the work of the city’s emerging artists.

Coproduction: Grec 2016Festival de Barcelona andCompanyia Obskené.

In cooperation with Oficina de Suport a la Iniciativa Cultural de Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat de Catalunya.

Adrià Gual Award 2015 (Institut del Teatre)

Artistic card

Autoria: Paul Auster, David Mazzucchelli i Paul Karasik; Direcció: Ricard Soler i Mallol; Dramatúrgia: Mònica Bofill i Ricard Soler i Mallol; Traducció: Joan Sellent; Interpretació: Joan Arqué, Francesc Ferrer, Nuri Santaló; Escenografia: Josep Carreras ; Moviment: Andreu Martínez; Figurinista: Carlota Ricart ; Cap tècnic i d'il·luminació: Adrià Pinar; Disseny de so: Ariane Lamarre; Ajudant de direcció: Mònica Bofill; Construcció de l'escenografia: Josep Carreras; Confecció tèxtil escenogràfica: Por-Escena; Producció: Nuri Santaló;


  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    75 min
  • Price