Cia. Mar Gómez

  • Dansa

Así en la tierra como en el cielo

Cia. Mar Gómez, whose creations are rich in theatrical elements and employ comedy as a principal weapon, makes our hair stand up with the thought that eternity could be an amplified copy of life. What if it never ended?

What if we discovered that, after death, we have to continue living as before, asking ourselves the same questions and facing the same problems, but perpetually? This is exactly what the four characters discover in this surreal, ironic narrative theatre-dance show, full of surprises. In an infinite heavenly space, the characters have to start their stories over again. But they will be as imperfect or more than they had been in life, and they will know as little or less than before about the meaning of existence. What is a slot machine doing “up there"? Why are there only the four of them? Why does their gender seem so changeable? Is existence an infinite joke in which human beings are the guests? We accompany these personages as they try to work out the rules that govern the "hereafter", in a journey that enables us to laugh at the human condition whilst also rediscovering it through their eyes. Taking this peculiar supernatural situation as our starting point, we embark on a story that is a bit mad, a bit transcendent and a bit banal, in which death provides the perfect excuse to explore the contradictory history of life. It is not so hard to imagine an all-powerful God who, like the audience, laughs fit to bust at the characters in this show.

Coproduction: Grec 2016 Festival de Barcelona and Cia. Mar Gómez.

In cooperation with Teatre Sagarra (Santa Coloma de Gramenet).

Companyia Mar Gómez is supported by the National Institute for the Performing Arts and Music (INAEM), the Government of Catalonia’s Culture Ministry, Barcelona City Council and Institut Ramon Llull.

Artistic card

Direcció artística: Mar Gómez i Xavier Martínez ; Coreografia: col·lectiva; Interpretació: lvaro de la Peña, Carlos Fernández, Matías Marré i Xavier Martínez ; Escenografia: Joan Jorba; Construcció de l'escenografia i attrezzo: Jorba-Miró; Vestuari: Mariel Soria; Confecció del vestuari: Goreti; Disseny d'il·luminació: Carles Borràs; Disseny de so / concepció sonora: Mar Gómez i Xavier Martínez; Ajudant de direcció: Xavier Biel; Producció i distribució: Marta Riera ; Comunicació i assistència a la producció: Paula Vallejo; Vídeo: Jordi Orobitg; Sonorització: 'scar Villar; Ajudant de direcció: Xavier Biel; Imatge: Sucede Diseño Consciente ; Animació: Paula Delgado, €lex Verdú; Veu en off: Manel Barceló;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    10 pm
  • Space

    Mercat de les Flors

    Plaça Margarida Xirgu, 1, 08004 Barcelona

  • Duration
    60 min
  • Price