
  • Teatre

Maria Molins / Bárbara Granados / Joan Maria Segura

An actress and a pianist have written and composed a collection of numbers that range from the saucy style of El Paral·lel to protest songs. A traditional cabaret, but relevant to today and from a woman's point of view.

These two artists are equally as capable of turning a Shakespearian monologue into a blues number as they are of getting one of Mercè Rodoreda’s characters to sing a ‘cuplé’ in a bar in the Raval or taking the audience on a journey to see the world in the year AD 3023. They both have talent to spare – that’s why actress Maria Molins plays about 20 different characters and musician Bárbara Granados plays as many as 10 different instruments. The spirits of Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Mary Santpere and Guillermina Motta, among others, hover over a women’s cabaret that will make you laugh, of course, but also make you think about the kind of life you lead.

Maria Molins has written most of the texts, while Bárbara Granados has composed most of the music and lyrics. With live music played by musicians of the stature of Dick Them and Miquel Malirach, Cabareta has the talent and the complicity of director Joan Maria Segura Bernadas.

Musician and composer Bárbara Granados, the great-granddaughter of the composer Enric Granados, has for a long time been placing her music at the service of stage projects ranging from Gimiendo a lo lindo, with the melodic singer Guillermo Gallardo, to ngel Pavlovsky’s show Orgullosamente humilde. While working for the stage Granados met Maria Molins, an actress who has been in productions such as Aigües encantades, La dama de Reus and La música, as well as appearing in television series like Olor de colònia, La que se avecina and La Riera and films like "scar Aibar’s El bosque, for which she won a Gaudí for Best Actress in 2013.

Artistic card

Autoria: Maria Molins, Bárbara Granados; Direcció: Joan Maria Segura; Interpretació: Maria Molins, Bárbara Granados, Dick Them, Miquel Malirach (text i música); Composició i direcció musical: Bárbara Granados; Escenografia: Joan Maria Segura Bernadas; Vestuari: Irantzu Ortiz; Disseny de la il€luminació: Marc Salicrú ; Disseny del so: Marc Santa ; Producció: Júlia Simó; Direcció tècnica: Xavier Xipell €oeXipi€ ; Fotografia: David Ruano; Premsa: Joan Estrada; Distribució: Elena Blanco-Magnetica Management ;



  • Start date
  • End date
  • Schedule
    Wednesday-Saturday, at 8 p.m. Sundays, at 6.30 p.m.
  • Space

    Sala Muntaner

    Carrer de Muntaner, 4, 08011 Barcelona, Espanya

  • Duration
    70 min
  • Price
    20 €-22 €