Oguri and Andrés Corchero return to the Grec once more, this time accompanied by Boaz Barkan, to turn a Samuel Beckett trilogy into dance. In this show, they use their bodies to draw a portrait of the human condition.
Arcane Collective, a company founded by the dancers Morleigh Steinberg and Oguri in California in 2011, brings together artists from interdisciplinary backgrounds to push the boundaries of contemporary dance. In Return to Absence, they work with a dancer living in Catalonia, Andrés Corchero, and another who resides in Denmark, Boaz Barkan, to transform into dance the literary world of Samuel Beckett and, more specifically, the work that the Irish writer considered his most outstanding achievement: the trilogy formed by Molloy (1951), Malone Dies (1951) and The Unnamable (1953). From this material, these artists create a language as abstract and pure as Beckett’s words, using powerful, emotive images to compose an intimate portrait of humanity in all its absurdity and comedy. The piece is presented by three magnificent performers: the acclaimed Japanese dancer Oguri, one of the great figures of dance who worked with Butoh masters Min Tanaka and Tatsumi Hijikata; Andrés Corchero, co-founder of the Raravis company, who studied under Min Tanaka and Kazuo Ohno; and Boaz Barkan, a dancer and performer with long experience in the world of contemporary and experimental dance. All three take to the stage determined to follow the advice that Beckett himself once gave: "Dance first, think later. It’s the natural order."
Production: Arcane Collective.
In cooperation with Graner Centre de Creació.
Coreografia: Arcane Collective (Boaz Barkan, Andrés Corchero, Oguri i Morleigh Steinberg); Direcció artística: Morleigh Steinberg i Oguri; Interpretació: Oguri, Andrés Corchero i Boaz Barkan ; Composició musical i disseny de so: Feltlike i Paul Chavez; Escenografia: Oguri, Morleigh Steinberg i Moses Hacmon; Vestuari: Grace O'Hara i Morleigh Steinberg; Disseny d'il·luminació: Morleigh Steinberg; Producció local: Mónica Pérez;