Related Legislation
EU Directive 2007/2/EC (INSPIRE) Open in a new window (Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe) establishes the general rules for establishing an SDI in the European Union based on the SDIs of the Member States. It was approved on 14 March 2007 (Directive 2007/2/EC).
It was developed in cooperation with the Member States and Candidate Countries to provide the geographical information needed to manage the European Union’s environmental policies.
The European Directive was transposed into Spanish Law 14/2010 (LISIGE) Open in a new window of 5 July, as amended by Act 2/2028 Open in a new windowof 23 May. The Higher Geographical Council Open in a new window is the point of contact with the European Commission for implementing this Directive.
It applies to geographical data that meet the following conditions:
- Refer to a geographical area within Spain’s borders, the territorial sea, the contiguous zone, the continental shelf, and the exclusive economic zone;
- Have been generated by or under the responsibility of the public authorities;
- Are in electronic format;
- Have been created and are maintained under the responsibility of a public authority or body; and
- Fall within the INSPIRE themes of Annex I (Geographical Reference Information), Annex II (Core Thematic Data) or Annex III (General Thematic Data).
Therefore, it applies to the data and services Barcelona City Council’s SDI offers.
Act 16/2005 Open in a new window, of 27 December 2005, on geographical information and the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia, entrusts to the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia, now the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC), the duties of creating, disseminating, structuring and maintaining Catalonia’s SDI.
Decree 398/2006 Open in a new window, of 24 October, approving the Regulation implementing Law 16/2005, of 27 December, on geographical information and the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia.
The ICGC plays a vital role in adapting, describing and publicising the geographical information datasets and services in Catalonia, especially those related to the official information in the Cartographic Plan of Catalonia (PCC) Open in a new window.