Iván Ledesma
Iván Ledesma, born in Barcelona in 1977, is an author and the scriptwriter of acclaimed films such as Xtremo [Xtreme] and Awareness. For over 25 years, he’s been engaged in creative work and writing for television, production companies, event agencies, publishing houses and others. His books include 184 Joaquim Ruyra Award winner Negorith; graphic novels (La vampira de Barcelona) [The Vampire of Barcelona] and books for children and young adults (Diario de Dan) [Dan’s Diary]. He’s recently published Compte! Conté contes [Careful! Contains Stories] (Mai Més), Negorith: sueños y pesadillas [Negorith: Dreams and Nightmares] (Transbordador), Fam! [Hunger!] (Chronos) and L’altre costat [The Other Side] (Spècula).
IG: @ivanledesma77
X: @Ivanledesma