Cristina Xifra i Estrany
Cristina Xifra i Estrany, born in Cassà de la Selva in 1971, is an information security expert, author, bookworm and time-travel fan, though for now she has to settle for travelling only into the future, and at the same speed as the rest of humanity. In 2017, she started writing for cultural magazine Week & Sabadell’s “El Turmix” section, and her stories have been published in anthologies such as Extraordinàries [Extraordinary Women] (Males Herbes, 2020) and Ciutat Soterrada (Sfabula Editorial, 2024). She was a co-winner of the Association of Catalan-Language Writers’ 3rd “Imagine a love” Award at the QLit Festival, won the Town of Consell’s Joan Guasp Theatre Award with Perduda (Editorial Balèria, 2020) and has also participated in several genre roundtable discussions, both as a speaker and as a moderator.
IG: @xifrades
X: @cxifra