
Workshop Espai en Blanc: Politicizing discomfort

19 June, 2015 - 16:30


pressentiment Espai en Blanc

Our society is one of stress, time off work for depression, self-help books, the hidden and surprising suicide rate, Prozac. We sociologists have heard talk of “Social Suffering”. But beyond the signs that mention as well as reaffirm, it has become necessary to drill holes in the crust of this reality that is silenced, day after day, and confront these social ailments, this unease, by giving them the political reading that presents them as what they really are: symptoms of the sickness that has turned out to be the way this society / network functions, forcing us to seek biographical solutions to systemic problems. Life has become the battlefield. Against this discomfort various devices are being set in motion to neutralize it, to silence it: among them, that of channelling it into the private sphere where it is pyschologized, pathologized. But it is not the only one: what are the obstacles that prevent us from a giving a political solution to this unease? What connections does this social unease have with violence? In what sense can this unease be politicized?

19th June 2015, 16.30 h
Exhibition Space Fabra i Coats – Centre d’Art Contemporani 
Limited seats. Free subscription sending an email to

